Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas in Malaysia

I know we promised you pictures of Christmas decorations in Manila, but Jeff and I are just finishing spending the weekend in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and have pictures from here to share with you.  Jeff is part way through 17 days away from Manila, so I thought I would join him for the weekend and explore a new city. 

Malaysia is a mix  of religions - 60 % Islam, 19 % Buddhist, 9 % Christianity, 6% Hindu and the rest other.  The official religion is Islam, though they have freedom of belief here.  What we learned from a taxi driver today (who is Hindu) is that if he bought a house, he would put down 10% and borrow 90%.  If he followed Islam, then he could borrow 100% and get a 10% on the rate of borrowing.  Hmmmmm - this is when I greatly appreciate the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms where all are treated equally!

Anyway, seeing that Christianity is such a minority in this country, we did find a few Christmas decorations to share with you....have a look (they seemed rather sad and 'Charlie Brownish' to us:

Outside Mercedes Benz dealership

In Sentral Train Station

In store

In Central Market (huge shopping area)

With random Christmas decoration
To prove Jeff was out enjoying a well - needed break from work, here are some shots of him with random things:
With image of CN Tower (a taste of home)

With random cow outside steak house

At beginning of walk in the jungle in the
middle of the city

Holding up the roof of
the cave - my hero!

On the 272 stairs heading
into Batu Caves

Tomorrow I fly back to Manila and Jeff flies to Hong Kong until Dec 16th.  Next post - Christmas decorations from the Philippines (the only 'Christian' nation in Asia) 
Love you all, Happy Advent
Linda and Jeff

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