Sunday, January 31, 2010

Manila - Observations & Oddities

For those of you interested in different cultures and viewing the world though a different lens... I thought I would share some observations.
  1. Roosters are at home virtually anywhere in Manila (railway tracks, streets, riding carts..). They sell them in pet stores.... cock fighting is also a past time so there are probably more than a few roosters shocked to find they are not going home to a loving family.

  2. They have tiny horses here... not ponies... tiny horses. They pull carts around the Intramuros area... The men driving them "offer" a ride to visible minorities like us roughly every 10 seconds. This is quite annoying after an hour as that works out to 360 "no thank you" reponses. The tiny horses are cute though.

  3. The Canadian Friendship Garden does not appear very friendly... I hope this scraggly bush flowers or something....

  4. I don't think that the "Wall of Martyrs" needs a picnic ground.... this seems wrong somehow... or there is a deeper, beautiful meaning that I am incapable of getting.

  5. The museum had a section with wonderful treasure from a shipwreck. It was labeled as "Junk that was found"... this seemed amusing to me.


  1. Thank you for sharing your new adventure in Manila. Glad to hear you are settling in and have found a church you like. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless!
    Karen Sinclair

  2. Junk that was found.. haha. nice.. Glad to see you are exploring lots! :)

    Your Daughter, Sarah

  3. Perhaps the picnic area in the garden of martyrs was so that the people whose people were martyred could "visit" them - like you would at a memorial site!!!? Enid

  4. That's great news that you sold your house here and now have a home to settle into there. Sounds like you are having a great time exploring your new home town. Scuba diving to, what fun!!! Sherri
