Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Little More Settled - Jan 24

The title says it all - we are a little more settled. Today is Sunday, and we did normal Sunday, lunch out, afternoon movie and general relaxation.

We went to the contemporary service (8:30 am) at Union Church of Manila, established in 1914. It is an English speaking, non-denominational church that sees there mission as one to those who are from other countries. We were happy to see many ethnic groups (including lots of Philippinos) at the service. Worship was as we love it (or as close as we can hope to find here), sermon was good, and we felt very welcome. They had first timers stand up, we had to introduce ourselves and we received a necklace made from shells so that people would know we were new. A few Canadians came up and spoke to us afterwards, which was a wonderful taste of home. If you want to have a look, click here for their website. There are many many things happening at this church (including Thursdays at different charities, a Henri Nouwen seminar in February, small groups and much more). We both feel this is the place we are to be - at least for now.

The lead pastor works hard on a Sunday - preaches at all three services in the morning, and this week they were holding their annual meeting at 2:30. So one sermon doesn't sound too bad, eh Bill?!

Later we finally saw Avatar (and yes, you were all right - it is amazing!) We stood in line to buy our tickets and got to choose our specific seats. How pushing and rushing to get the best seat, just calm walking to your seat. Actually, all movie goers were usured in by people in dark shirts and red ties, who used a little flashlight to show you your seat (this was before the movie started). This theatre was really nice - large seats, twice as much leg room compared to Canada, and no sticky floors.

We have spent three afternoons this past week searching for home, and we are almost there. The process here is a little more complicated - first a letter of intent that we are interested, waiting to hear their response, then the contract negotiations. We have been blessed with amazing support by a woman named Yvonne (who works for a company that does this as their business). She knows all about moving to Manila, and had a trusted real estate person, Joyce, showing us many places. Once we have a home for sure, we will tell you about it and post some pictures.

So, does that sound more settled? We know the grocery store well, we have found our church, Jeff got his haircut and we are very comfortable walking our neighbourhhod. Life is good


  1. Jeff and Linda,
    Good to hear you are settling in.
    Edith Sykes was at church today to celebrate her 90th birthday and Dan said a few words about his time in Haiti.
    Take care and happy abode hunting.
    Brian & Diane

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you figured out the blog. Hope it was not to difficult! Looking forward to staying in touch through your many adventures!
    Karen Thorburn

  3. Thank you for sharing with us. It helps to know that you are enjoying your great adventure! Take care and God bless you both in all that you do.
    Fritha and Barry

  4. Maybe this one will work. I'm still pondering your email from yesterday. Hope today is a good day. It's nearly midnight your time, so I hope today WAS a good day and tomorrow even better.

  5. It's great to have this way of keeping in touch with you both and I'm glad to hear it is all coming together. Soon you will be feeling right at home. The church sounds like a good fit. Take care of each other and know we are all thinking about and praying for you.
