Christmas 2010 was an unique one for the Wolfe family. The weather was hot and there was no snow. We spent time scuba diving, eating and hanging out in Dumagette area of Negros Island for six days then returned to Manila for the second week of our two weeks together. Here are some thoughts on our Philippine Christmas:
My experience in the Philippines and the Filipino atmosphere in general has been quite fascinating. For the entire time here I have been interested in this country. The dynamic here is such a contrast to Canada and western society. The people here are very nice (from what I've seen) and full of energy and pride for their country. I have had the pleasure of learning more about their country and their history and I now see why the people have such pride. The trip to Corregidor Island was such a great experience. This island was a major point in the Pacific war during WWII in the Philippines so being the history lover I am I was in my element. While taking in the new Filipino culture I have greatly enjoyed seeing my parents again and will greatly miss them when I return home. I have had many new experiences while on Christmas break here. One example of this was diving on Christmas Day which was new for multiple reasons and is an experience I will never forget as well. Overall a great time with family in an intriguing society that I must return to someday.
This Christmas break has definitely been different....other than Sarah has caught the normal Christmas Break cold (just started a couple of days ago). Here is her Christmas in pictures!

(oh, and by the way, Sarah made many friends while she was in we shopped and walked down the street, groups of young Filipino men would all wave and say hello to her! I think she could have returned to Canada married if she had wanted to)
It is often said that "home is where the heart is" .... well for us home is where family is. It was such a wonderful pleasure to spend the Christmas vacation with our kids (actually interesting and mature young adults). We missed our extended family and friends throughout the past year so it was a real treat to spend quality time talking, joking, laughing, sharing...... We were able to share the experience of scuba diving which has become a real favourite activity of both Linda and I during the last 12 months. Living abroad in a different culture is a series of highs and lows and this past two weeks will act as a rejuvenating boast to my spirit. Highlights for me were sharing good meals, conversations and swimming alongside my new friends the Sea Turtle.... miss you all.... all the best for 2011 !!
Christmas in the Philippines arrived with a flight from Toronto via Hong Kong when Sarah and Chris fought their way through the crowds and emerged from the airport. Not even security guards with large guns could keep me from getting to the middle of the street to give them HUGE hugs. Two days later we took a 1 1/2 hour flight south and spent Dec 21-26th at the Atlantis Dive resort in Dumagette (click here to see it!) Top Chef food, incredible diving, superb service - actually, I cannot say enough good things about this dive resort....but perhaps I was experiencing it all through my rose-coloured "kids are here!" glasses. Sometime in the next few weeks I will share more from the resort and the dives.
Back to Manila for the last week together - we explored, shopped the mall of Asia (where this was taken),
New Year's Eve we did the typical Wolfe thing and stayed in....fireworks from the 37th floor were the best we had ever seen....they went on for hours and hours, and at times we could count up to 20-30 different spots where fireworks were being set off. (pics of this later also) New Year's Day we had our Christmas turkey meal, with Christmas napkins (thanks, Mom) and the fake pumpkin pie we discovered at Thanksgiving.
Christmas 2010 in one word? Joy - joy in the simplicity of being together, joy in experiencing new things with people you love, joy in the greetings from family and friends far away, joy in technology that brought us from the beach to Christmas dinner in Ontario via Skype, joy in the memories of Christmas past, and joy in hope of the Christmases to come. Joy - springing from the birth of Jesus Christ and what that gift of love means. As I have often said, it is the simple things in life that make the difference. My simple thing that changed Christmas for me was being with my family....what was yours?
Love you all, really missed so many things from home this Christmas (wax dripping on our hands during the Christmas Eve service, shovelling, scrapping the cars, cold, etc)
Linda, Jeff, Sarah and Chris
So now you are empty nesters again. Christmas with family is a wonderful time. For the 57th time in 58 years we had Christmas with all our children (as they were added) and grandchildren together for the day, not just for dinner. Since 1987 we have all been together at Dave's and Bonnie's home. Before that it was wherever we lived. You will miss your children greatly as we did when we did not all (but one) live in K/W. But you will have your memories, Skype and phone and email communication. And you will have the wonderful satisfaction of having introduced Chris and Sarah to a new country they may never otherwise have seen. They will have the joy of being together with their parents again and discovering a new land. Jeff's remark that "home is where the family is" makes good sense to me. There are many families that must be considered homeless because their family is scattered all over the land. You are much missed here in K/W and we send you our love and blessings.
What a wonderful holiday season for you all!!! It looks like you had a truly amazing time spending time with each other!