Monday, December 27, 2010

What Colour is a Christmas Tree?

In a country where the fir or pine tree does not grow, there seems to be some confusion about the colour of the Christmas tree...for your viewing pleasure, here are just a few examples of what is decorating stores and malls, and for sale:



If you don't know what to do,
 hang flat screen tvs!

...or add any toy you can think of!

The typical Filipino decoration is a star in a circle like this one....

quite beautiful, actually

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas full of the joy and hope of the gift of Jesus....we certainly did, and will share the pictures and stories soon of Christmas on the beach and under the water.

Miss you all, especially at this time of year,
Linda, Jeff, Sarah and Chris

an addition...they did get one tree right ! !

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas in our Neighbourhood

Hello All,

I must confess, though the calendar says it is December 11th, my heart has trouble believing it.  I have been hearing Christmas songs since September, singing them in church since advent started November 28th and singing them with my choir since December is a shot of the Asia Minors, a wonderful women's choir made up of people from all over the world (I am the only Canadian):
But as I walk around, though it is beautiful in our neighbourhood, things just do not seem right.  These are shots from the block or two around our condo - and they answer the age-old Canadian question "how do you decorate a palm tree?"


The answer is, quite beautifully !

From our window 37 stories up, this is what we see:

Spectacular, but not bringing me any closer to feeling like Christmas.  As I headed into the mall near us, I was greeted by huge Christmas trees both outside and inside (however, you must realize they are real pine tree to be seen anywhere)
In the mall, attempts were made to make it seem more winterly (we think), however not quite sure what white tigers, snow leopards and giant pandas have to do with Christmas?

Even the Santa display confused me with two standing Santas and one Santa head in the chimney......

The mall itself was beautifully and tastefully decorated....


Even Jolly Old Saint Nick was there !
 After wandering the mall, hearing the music, seeing Santa Claus, I felt like Christmas was seeping into my heart.  A text from Jeff reminded me that though he was in Hong Kong, he would be back here in five days.  That meant that Sarah and Chris would be here in eight days.  Okay...that really means Christmas is coming and my heart felt lighter.

I got back to our condo, sat down - less "grinchy" but still not quite in the joyful Christmas state of mind and heart I usually am at this time...and then it happened.....the hope and promise of Christmas

A reminder bought in Bolivia, kept in Canada and unwrapped in the Philippines, surrounded by angels that brought hope to Haiti.  The 'good news of great joy for all the people' was right here with me ! 
Christmas is arriving, and my heart truly and deeply believes it!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas in Malaysia

I know we promised you pictures of Christmas decorations in Manila, but Jeff and I are just finishing spending the weekend in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and have pictures from here to share with you.  Jeff is part way through 17 days away from Manila, so I thought I would join him for the weekend and explore a new city. 

Malaysia is a mix  of religions - 60 % Islam, 19 % Buddhist, 9 % Christianity, 6% Hindu and the rest other.  The official religion is Islam, though they have freedom of belief here.  What we learned from a taxi driver today (who is Hindu) is that if he bought a house, he would put down 10% and borrow 90%.  If he followed Islam, then he could borrow 100% and get a 10% on the rate of borrowing.  Hmmmmm - this is when I greatly appreciate the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms where all are treated equally!

Anyway, seeing that Christianity is such a minority in this country, we did find a few Christmas decorations to share with you....have a look (they seemed rather sad and 'Charlie Brownish' to us:

Outside Mercedes Benz dealership

In Sentral Train Station

In store

In Central Market (huge shopping area)

With random Christmas decoration
To prove Jeff was out enjoying a well - needed break from work, here are some shots of him with random things:
With image of CN Tower (a taste of home)

With random cow outside steak house

At beginning of walk in the jungle in the
middle of the city

Holding up the roof of
the cave - my hero!

On the 272 stairs heading
into Batu Caves

Tomorrow I fly back to Manila and Jeff flies to Hong Kong until Dec 16th.  Next post - Christmas decorations from the Philippines (the only 'Christian' nation in Asia) 
Love you all, Happy Advent
Linda and Jeff